Tuesday, June 21, 2005

We're on our way...

Well, technically speaking, we're always on our way. That's because we live on the road in our bus. If you're interested in all the gory details about that, check out our website here. Otherwise, suffice it to say that we are Louise Hornor (me) and Sean Welsh (my husband), and I am a delegate to the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly 2005 for the Church of the Larger Fellowship. I set up this blog to record my thoughts and feelings about GA this year.

Today we will drive into the greater Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Statistical Area and check out a few campsites, perhaps pick up our monthly mail. Tomorrow we will visit the convention center and register. Our schedule was complicated enough these last few months that we decided it would be simpler to register on site rather than in advance.

Thursday we'll attend our first GA event (District In Gathering, if there is one for CLF? Need to read that program!) and get started. I'm beginning to feel quite excited!

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